Sunday, February 28, 2010

Back in the Day of George Washington

Lived a little boy named Isaac who was worried about dancing in front of the WHOLE SCHOOL with a GIRL!
I would say this was a very proud parent moment for us,
our handsome 7 year old dancing the Minuet.

What a STELLAR performance son!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

This is How I Spent My Saturday Morning...

With three of the most amazing women I know...
Laughing, Sharing, Loving, Tripping, Sweating...
It was a great day on the mountain!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Flashback Friday

Senior Prom

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday's Thought

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Does It Make Me A Bad Mom?

To Promote my child's obsession with Mac & Cheese by making it for breakfast for her?
But OH it makes her SOOOOOO Very Happy!

I mean WHO in their right mind would deny this darling her cheesy goodness, even if it is 8:00 in the morning!

As I figure, she has to survive on something.
And right now that something is a strict diet of Apple juice, chocolate and MC.
Maybe there's a chicken nugget in there once and awhile.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

At the Disco....

Saturday, February 20, 2010

One Fine Day

How We Spent President's Day:
Gardner Villiage Texas Roadhouse YUM! Sweet Treats
Feeding Ducks
Train Rides Merry Go Round
Gummy Snakes Cousins
Uncle Shaun & Aunt Liz Shopping Candy Shoppe

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Funny

Just to make you laugh!

Poor Brooklyn got herself stuck the other day and this is where Justin found her and
rescued her!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday's Thought

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”
~Famous Runner Gail Devers

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Art of Racing In The Rain

I just finished reading this great book. It's written from a dog's perspective as he shares his experiences living with a family. I was enlightened by Enzo's perspective and sense of humor. It reminded me a lot of Brittan. I am grateful for the wonderful years my life and our home was blessed by her amazing energy.

"The Dawn breaks gently on the horizon and spills its light over the land. My life seems like it has been so long and so short at the same time. People speak of a will to live. They rarely speak of a will to die. Because people are afraid of death. Death is dark and unknown and frightening. But not for me. It is not the end."

I know well of this will to die. Where I work, people speak of it often. In fact it is a welcomed friend to many. Many who want to be restored, reunited with their true love that they have had to live far too many years without. It is something I am not afraid of.

I know that my Brittan is somewhere running in endless fields of flowers chasing birds and playing a never ending game of fetch.
But OH how my heart still aches for her.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Travelin' Eye

Have you ever found something so perfect even though you weren't looking for it?
I checked some books out at the library for the kids last week.
I had no idea what this book was about.
It's about a little girl and her wandering eye that takes her special places only she can go. She sees elephants in the trees and adventures all around.
She is sad when she has to go to the Opthamologist and get glasses.
She HATES wearing her patch.
Sounds like someone I know.
It follows through to her journey of getting better.
That is a the long road we are on with our little sweetie.
In the end, the little girl in the red glasses discovers the wonder of fully functioning vision.
By the end of the book I was sobbing....
I am grateful for lots of things.
Patient Physicians, Cute Glasses, Modern Medicine, Insurance, Man Made Lenses,
And this sweet little book I found!
What a treasure!

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Sweet Playdate With My Girls

This is my friend Rach...
As you can see she makes me happy....
Not too many people can put a smile that big on my face.
I love that we are so different, yet the same.
We don't have to agree on everything to make our friendship work.
In fact learning more about her makes me a better person.
I think her point of view is unique. Some might call it WEIRD.
We share something special...
the love of two girls who wear glasses.
Oh, and did I mention she has a WAY better style than me?
This was the topic of discussion at our last playdate.
She's fun, exciting, unpredictable.
Her unpredictability always makes me smile, just like in the photograph.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Funny Valentines.....

And OH I LOVE them SO!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let's Talk About This Guy.....

I feel like I so easily and so often gush on Isaac and Abby.
But this guy, he's kind of a shy quiet guy in our family.
He's really good at lots of things.
Lately he's really good at loving me.
He always knows the exact moment I need an "I love you mom" or a silent kiss (always on the cheek)
We use to call him "THE DON" because he would kiss you only on the forehead.
He is an animal lover.
He is kind.
He likes to do things "his way".
He doesn't force things.
He's tidy.
He makes me laugh.
Sometimes he climbs the shelves in the pantry like they are a ladder.
Then he gets stuck up there for who knows how long calling for me to save him.
He's always up at the crack of dawn.
He desperately looks up to his big brother but hungers to find his own way.
When he wakes up, the first thing he does (every morning) is stand over me and then quietly shut my bedroom door as to not wake me.
I love him more than words could ever say........

Friday, February 12, 2010

Flashback Friday....

To A GREAT Moment In My Life

First ever state championship won by any team in my hometown of Clinton, MO.
Thanks to 2 brilliant people I called Coach who taught me I could do anything I set out to do....and 7 other amazing young women!

(M. Wyatt...that's me)
And we have a new high school this year with a new banner.
It's a moment I'll never forget!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday's Thought

Sunday, February 7, 2010

After Weeks of Disagreement....

The deal was sealed....
These sweet boys agree that they need one another, especially at bed time.
It happened just last tonight actually.
Ethan fell asleep in my bed.
When I carried him to his room he said in his blissful slumber,
"Mom, make sure Isaac sleeps with me. He always sleeps with me. Make sure that he is on the inside."
Isaac is especially needy and lonely at bedtime. Kind of funny considering that he is older.
Ethan has secretly enjoyed the control he has over his own bed.
For the first time ever he REALLY has something Isaac wants and he knows it.
It feels good for him to be able to exercise independence.
I remember when I found out I was pregnant with Ethan.
Isaac was only 8 months old.
I was scared and somewhat unhappy about my pregnancy sentence so soon from Isaac's birth.
I look back now and am so grateful for the timing.
Grateful my boys have one another. Grateful they give something to one another that
no one else can.
Grateful for Ethan and what he adds to our family....but, more about that a little later.

Just a Little Something...

A fantastic little "indie" film I watched on my phone last night.
It still has me smiling on the inside.
It was a big winner at Sundance last year.
You should check it out.

"It's not being loved but loving that is essential."

Saturday, February 6, 2010

It Was About Time....

That we got to be together again.
You see, my bff and I are so often going in different directions.
Doesn't stop us....
We use to cook dinner for one another every week.
Then she had a baby and I became a bad friend.
Not to mention, she's a much better cook than me.
I want to be like her when I grow up.
I love her with all my heart and know she loves me too.

Photo Courtesy of one Gabe Phillips, Thank you sir!