Thursday, October 4, 2007
So Much To Say
There's so much to tell about right now and so much to be thankful for! When Justin and I think of all of our blessings as of late, we both feel overwhelmed. How can so many good things happen to one little family. Our children are the biggest blessing in our lives. They are so loving and kind-not to mention a ton of laughs constantly. We both enjoy going to our jobs and being in the "corporate world" during the day, but it is so refreshing to step into pre-school when we get home. We relish in the opportunity to get down on the floor and paint, play star wars toys or whatever they want to do. It really is a fun time. We both love the Fall and Halloween so do our kids! I even let the boys put up tombstones in the front yard for Halloween. We spent last night making dozens of pumpkin cookies to take to the new neighbors. Of all that is going for us, I feel especially lucky to have gained the love of such a wonderful man. He has spent countless hours as of late hanging curtains, replacing fixtures, unpacking and many other honey doos! I am fortunate to have such a handsome, kind and supportive hubby!
in sad news, I just returned from a week visit to Missouri. My great-grandmother was 95 and passed away last week. She was a wonderful woman who led an amazing life and I will forever be changed by her prescence! Abby and i had a wonderful time visiting with friends and family we had not seen in some time. I saw my father for the first time in 5 years and even cousins I had not seen in over 15 years! I will post a few pics.....Smiles & Hugs!
Posted by Mindy Hill at 10/04/2007 0 comments
Summer Family Camp
Posted by Mindy Hill at 10/04/2007 0 comments