Monday, February 23, 2009

A Moment.....

I have to share a moment in the Hill household was a typical Monday. I rushed to get out the door this morning. I rushed to get home for lunch today to see the kids and Jus. As I arrived home the kids announced their true desire to go outside and play (today was the first somewhat warm day we have had in months). So, I spent my entire lunch break picking up the past 4 months of dog poo so they could play in a "poop free" environment. I rushed back to the office. And I especially rushed home today. The sun was shining for the first time in weeks. We went on a great walk. I came home and made soup for my sick sweetheart who was in bed. We did a quick family home evening lesson and a lesson in allowance (the boys are both studying money at school.) Now comes the funny part...I had done the dishes and rushed everyone away to get their PJs on (I promised them if they did as I asked, they could each earn a quarter). Then I snuck to the pantry to make myself a smore...Thanks Aunt Nicki for leaving your treats at our house! As I am enjoying my treat I hear each of the boys (in separate bathrooms but both sitting on the pot) reciting their ABC's back and forth to one another. Then in sync, they both announce, "Mom, I need you to come wipe my bum.." Man, I LOVE this Job! :)


Anonymous said...

Oh the things I get to look forward to.

Amy said...

I guess it is all how we view our lives... and I got to tell you Mindy, you are doing well! I love your sense of humor and your love for life.

Could you bottle some of that up for me? I think I need some!