Friday, November 13, 2009

7 Years Ago Today...

Justin & I became parents of this wonderful boy......
It was a day I will NEVER forget....
My water broke in the middle of the night.
It was cold, but I insisted on walking myself into the hospital.
When I got in, my pants were frozen, literally. That made us laugh.
I got to share this day with an old high school friend and sister in law.
Thanks Amy for keeping us sane and from keeping your bro from passing out.
I pushed for 4 hours of a 14 hour delivery, broke my blood vessels in my eyes and face. It was intense. Notice that's why you'll never see me post pictures after having HIM.
No one told me how to have a baby.
I got much better at it the next time, almost having #2 in the car.
After he was born someone offered me a donut.....I was so excited.
Then I found out it was a donut to sit on.
That made us laugh.
Fitting that Isaac means "great laughter".

He's someone who lives to help others....
He loves making people laugh.....
He has the most amazing imagination....
He likes blondes already :)......Although Carly Clegg is his first brunette crush, ha ha
He's turning out to be quite a good reader and student....
He knows "things" like DEEP THINGS we can't explain, he often explains them to us......
His favorite thing is to sleep in my bed and watch "Talk Soup" with me.
We did that just last night, celebrating a little early.
He always has just what our family needs.

His dad and I often feel much gratitude that we were entrusted to tend to this special Spirit here on Earth.


JENNE said...

He truly is a child who teaches the adults. I have witnessed his knowledge and it is incredible. Happy Birthday Isaac!

joleen said...

Thank-you so much for the great party! Isaac is a sweetheart! So happy and kind!