Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'm Thankful My Kids Keep Journals......

This is why....
Capturing moments like this is the most precious thing I could ever imagine.
This is Isaac's take on his family being "sealed" in a ziplock baggie.
He's been learning a lot about The Temple and wondering when we'll go there.
I love his sense of humor. Like I said, it is always just what we need.

I promised one of my best girls I would blog about this.
Justin and I did our will about 6 months ago and it really got me thinking.
What is my legacy for my children?
If I leave whether it be tomorrow or 60 years from now,
what proof do I leave to show them how much I love them?
Hopefully the proof is in the feeling I give them each day.
Further proof can be found in a simple notebook that cost less than $1.
Every Sunday night the kids open their journals and write the first thing that comes to their mind.
I write something special to them on the back of each entry.
I already love going back and reading their entries.


Celisa said...

I love this post! I showed Aaron this and we both laughed for a long time. I hope you are all well!

How Sweet it is! said...

Love it!

Rach said...

You are such a great mom!