Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Provo Kids Triathalon

This past Saturday Justin and I had the chance to take our kids to cheer their cousins on at the Provo Tri. Just being there got me all excited...Isaac and I promised one another that we would do this together next year (or I talked him into it). I've never done a triathalon, but it's something I am considering....we'll see...I have my first 5k coming up soon since my foot adventures so I will start there.
It was really great to see those guys get out there and watch them swim, bike & run!


joleen said...

My boys did the Share-a-smile triathlon at scera last august and it was awesome! Also, I love the spudman triathlon in idaho! It was my one and only experience but way fun! I'd do it again with ya!