This. IS.Seriously.The.Coolest.Thing.Ever.
I Want To Have One Done for All 3 Of The Little People ASAP....
I Want To Have One Done for All 3 Of The Little People ASAP....

Go learn More about such awesomeness!
Kudos to my friend Rebecca for always finding the "good stuff"~!
Wahoo! I'm glad you like it! I was super excited about it and when I shared my excitement with my sister she wasn't impressed at all. Maybe we can have a giant sleepover and work on them together...Tyler just found out that he will be at the PG theater probably all week next week since the other owner will be in Hawaii where his father is dying. Sooooo, maybe I can bring the kids down to see Tyler and see you too and we can work on one of the many projects we want to do:) Can you just tell Maryanne you need a Rebecca day and take the day off? :)
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