Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday's Thought

I really like this one!
I stive to love and be loved like this.
Good day everyone.
The future is bright, there's so much to look forward to!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Flashback Friday

I was looking through some old photos and came across these.  They weren't taken that long ago, but what a fun day this was for our family.  It was definitely hard work getting to the top but so, so worth it.  If you haven't hiked to Timp Cave, it's definitely something you should consider.  A real treasure in the Utah Valley if you ask me.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


It was a great day for our sweet Ethan.  He's a boy who lives and breaths for soccer.  He also has such a sweetness about him and he appreciates the gospel in his life.  I hear it every time he gives a bedtime prayer and thanks Heavenly Father for his body.  He's always so kind and polite to others.  He's always the first one up in the house and looks for ways he can help me.  He's a hard worker.  I attribute that to why he is such a great student and athlete.  He won't stop until he's mastered the skill set before him. He's a beautiful pianist.  I love to hear him play.  We celebrated the day with waffles and cream with friends and family at our house and a cousins swim in the pool after.  It's a day we'll never forget.  

There's so much about him that I love.  I'm so glad that he was baptized and that Heavenly Father chose me to be his mom.  

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Have you ever seen two cuter little cubs in your life.  Yeah, didn't think so :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

This Little Lady...

 Was the cutest little "chamber maid" in the recent production of "Swan lake" at The Covey Center for the Arts.  It was a great way to end her 4 year ballet career. She's hanging up her ballet shoes to try her hand at some sassy hip hop classes.  She loves hip hop, I don't think I've ever seen her so happy about something.  She's a beautiful dancer.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Good ole' Missouri Times

I recently traveled home to Missouri to see my family and had a great time in Kansas City and the Lake of the Ozarks with the Wyatts.  It was wonderful to catch up with everyone and spend some time with my sweet, dear grandparents.  
Jenna and Rees hauling off the remains of the roasted hog...we know how to party :)

My nephew Larry who is more like a brother than a nephew.  I truly adore this kid!
Me with my sweet, dear grandparents.  

Justin freaked out when he saw me wearing "Camo".  I told him I was just trying to get back in touch with my "Missouri Roots".  The truth is I was freezing and I only brought a little sweater.  And I have to tell you that I freaked out because there was a scorpion on the floor just as I was climbing into bed at the lake house.  Thank goodness for daring little girls in my family who were willing to rescue me and kill that darn scorpion.
My Silly Bro
Lake of The Ozarks, the view from my grandparents home....lots of fun memories growing up here.

My nephew Larry getting "schooled" by me in a game of shuffleboard at The Red Fox
My niece and nephew, I just love them!

My Gran, oh how I love this woman.  She means everything to can see it in the way we look at one another.

My brother Rodney and his cute family.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

A "Creeper" 8th Birthday

I'm playing a little bit of "catch up" (there's a lot to cover from over the summer)Ethan had an EPIC 8th Minecraft Birthday party.  He's crazy about this game.  For those of you who don't know it's an 8 bit 80's looking game that is like legos on the x-box.  All of his friends play this together constantly so now they all have their very own hand made "Creeper" shirts. It was a fun party to throw for my special boy!