Thursday, November 19, 2009

I've been thinking!

After spending another entire day at Primary Children's in Salt Lake,
my heart is full and I feel grateful.

Grateful for modern medicine.
Grateful for the technology that allowed for our daughter to have the surgery two years ago that will someday restore her sight, I just know it.

Grateful that it's not ten years ago and that we didn't have to hear the words,
"I'm sorry Mr. & Mrs. Hill there's nothing we can do to help restore your little girl's eyesight."
I spent the day yesterday observing.
In between comforting our sweet baby girl. I saw such sweetness all around. The wonderful staff that have devoted their lives to helping these children. Parents comforting other parents. And the resilience of all those amazing babies. I felt sad, and happy and sad again.
As I was putting my boys to be last night they were having some kind of conversation about why people suffer.
DEEP, I know.
I had to tell them that suffering is a part of all of our lives.
We are here to learn, improve and love all those around us no matter what they have done or will do to hurt us.
Forgiveness is the key.
I hate knowing that any of my children will feel any sort of pain.
We have to love our Heavenly Father for giving us the experience here on Earth to feel happiness, sorrow, regret, elation, and yes even pain.
I've been reading this inspirational blog.

I am proud to call Abigail's parents my friends, neighbors and fellow church members.
I feel uplifted and spiritually enriched each time I read it.