2002 Winter Olympics

My Sweetie and I at a concert at the medals plaza. I remember it was SO COLD that night! Just a couple of weeks after this picture was taken we discovered there was a little baby (Isaac) growing in my tummy.

She wrote this great book about her marathon runner husband's struggle with early onset of Alzheimer's.
She's done so much to help me understand the disease through the years and her knowledge has made me better at helping others.
My company sponsored her as a 2002 torch carrier.

You are so stinking cute!! And now you have 3 kids and are the same size!! NO FAIR! I have one kid and a huge, flabby tummy and ass. Maybe I should exercise. Nah, I'm too busy complaining and drinking diet coke.
I was just scanning my own pics of the olympics and reminiscing about those good few weeks in 2002. I wish I would have taken more pictures of what was around but I was a little pre occupied getting engaged and all!
Thanks for making it to my breakfast this morning with all of the trauma going on at work. I love my cookbook but not as much as you you see!
I love your Thursday Thought. It's a good one to ponder for a while. I read it at least 5 x's already and I'm sure I will be back again to read it some more.
You are such a joy. Have a great day and I will see you soon I hope. lol B
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