Bad News arrives....
I went to see the surgeon who cunningly fixed this mess and put it back together again.
A month ago the x-rays looked fabulous!
This week there is evidence of a non-union in the fracture in my left foot.
Which means I am walking on a broken foot!
The culprit? He thinks a nasty infection that I've been fighting for 3 months that despite every antibiotic out there, won't seem to go away. This has kept the bone from healing.
The possible solution? New medication....
...AND daily bone stimulator treatments from a machine that costs $3500!
Please pray it's works!
If not, I'll be back in surgery.
I just want to do yoga again and run and play and hike and ride my bike!
Oh my GOOD HEAVENS!! I've been telling you all along that the church isn't true!!
(I'm a completely insensitive bitch, I know.)
Oh Mindy, that stinks! I hope that everything works out!!!
Well, like I said the tester is hitting you hardest! I commend you for your positive attitude. You don't seem to let it get you down one bit although it stinks. SURGERY, $$$ MACHINE $$$ I'm sure you will get better, you my friend just have the word patience written all over you in more than one area!
I love you. Thanks for bringing me my favorite meal. YOU truly are the bestest friend ever. I just can't say enough about how thankful I am that you are in my life. I regret that we don't talk every day any more. I am sad that our kids don't play like they use to. Guess what? Spring is here, then Summer, school next year will be so much better for everyone and WE will be back to what I consider normal. The every day normal!
Min, You are amazingly strong and positive. Hang in there Babe, you are a shining example to us all on how to endure with a beautiful smile. LOVE YOU!!!
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