Sunday, May 8, 2011

Things I Love About My Mom

I love that even though I am almost 35, she still sends me "care packages" and always makes my favorite meals when I am home visiting.

I love that she still keeps the "tickle bug" on her personage at all times. I don't see him much anymore, but the kids get visited by him often.

I love that she just learned to text message and she sends me messages all the time telling me how much she loves me.

I love that she set such a great example of a woman who can work hard and still be a great mother.

I love that she still asks my opinion on her hair and clothes.

I love how much fun she is. When I was a kid she would wake me up in the middle of the night every year on the first snow to take me sledding. She said that's when you could get the "best snow" before anyone else was out. She used to hide under our beds and grab our ankles as we were climbing in just to give us a good scare.

I'm so grateful to be the recipient of her love. Happy Mother's Day Mom!