Thursday, June 30, 2011

As Charles Dickens Said:

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..."
That has been this week.
This is my beautiful friend Rachael.
And when I say beautiful I mean
a beautiful most people lack. She's real. She's strong. She's always there for me.
It's my turn to be there for her. She needs your prayers. She had a aneurysm and hemorrhage in her brain a few days ago. Rachael is 24. She is a wife and a mother to a darling four year old. She's fighting. She's sexy bald...not everyone can pull that off. I love her. I cherish the late nights I have been able to spend in the hospital just talking about life these past few days. I'm so grateful that we can keep helping one another on this journey.


Rach said...

I just barely saw this post and I am tearing up, I can't even tell you how much it means to me. You have been so wonderful to me through all of this and SERIOUSLY--I never would have made it through without you. Your visits, your radiant attitude, your willingness to drop everything and help, and especially to put Lily at the top of your list when you knew I couldn't do that myself. You are wonderful, wonderful, amazing.