To A GREAT Moment In My Life
First ever state championship won by any team in my hometown of Clinton, MO.
Thanks to 2 brilliant people I called Coach who taught me I could do anything I set out to do....and 7 other amazing young women!
Posted by Mindy Hill at 2/12/2010
Way to go. Luv forever. Mom
you're one tuff chica! I don't have very many friends that are all american.. . . let me see, I have 2 and you are number 1. have a great day.
I love the blue shiny spandex...I have no doubt they helped in the victory :)
Yea! a fellow state champion. except mine was way back in 1981, and 1982. 1980 was the first year they even had state for girls here in Utah. Do you still run?
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