Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let's Talk About This Guy.....

I feel like I so easily and so often gush on Isaac and Abby.
But this guy, he's kind of a shy quiet guy in our family.
He's really good at lots of things.
Lately he's really good at loving me.
He always knows the exact moment I need an "I love you mom" or a silent kiss (always on the cheek)
We use to call him "THE DON" because he would kiss you only on the forehead.
He is an animal lover.
He is kind.
He likes to do things "his way".
He doesn't force things.
He's tidy.
He makes me laugh.
Sometimes he climbs the shelves in the pantry like they are a ladder.
Then he gets stuck up there for who knows how long calling for me to save him.
He's always up at the crack of dawn.
He desperately looks up to his big brother but hungers to find his own way.
When he wakes up, the first thing he does (every morning) is stand over me and then quietly shut my bedroom door as to not wake me.
I love him more than words could ever say........


Rach said...

ooooh, we love you too, Ethan! You are SO CUTE!

Tenika Dennis said...

Cute pictures of a cute little guy. :)