Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Skinny...

Note: Do not be fooled by the title of this post, it in fact is NOT SKINNY.

So, I mentioned that I have been doing physical therapy for about 6 weeks and am on a first name basis with my therapist. In mid-August I just woke up one day with the worst lower back and leg pain that I have ever felt in my life! This was a couple of days after discovering that my problem foot had a stress fracture in the outer part of the foot. This was created by nearly a year of altering my gait to compensate for the injury and pain caused by my surgery back in December 09'. Working in the "biz" gives me an advantage here and I made a phone call to a really good friend of mine who made a phone call to a good friend of his and I had an immediate appointment to see this guy. He's amazing and his treatments have helped to address years of chronic pain that I have experienced off and on since having my first child. I'll spare you all the gory details but he started doing something called Graston Treatments (read about it HERE)...
Immediately I regained lost mobility in my foot and left hip area and much of my pain disappeared. It's worth mentioning that it's not for sissies though!
Things were going great, except the pain in my lower back became absolutely unbearable!
So, without further ado I spent Wednesday Morning in an MRI Machine.
I spent Friday looking at scans dissecting my spine and listening to specialists say things to me like this doozy:

"You must think you are driving a 2010 Corvette, but you're model is really getting outdated. Honey, in reality you are driving a 1976 Mustang."

This comment followed him informing me that I will never be able to run anything but a mile or two the rest of my life. So you see, he was trying to be funny but I felt like sort of sick and sad for a moment.
It seems I have this stinky condition. Many people actually suffer from it (I'm just a little younger than all of them wink, wink). It's nothing I did that caused it. Both my parents have it, so I can thank them for my worn out genes :)
The real problem is that my L5 Vertebra is bulging and ruptured, pushing on the outer nerves that run down my legs. That explains why I have achenes and numbness that comes and goes there. It also explains the unbearable pain, sleeplessness, inability to sit or stand, and general craziness (I'm blaming that on it too).
The Solution?
Not Surgery....We all agreed on that during my many appointments.
Oh, I'm sure you could find many surgeons line up to take a crack at this one.
Not for me....YET anyway.
So, I'll be heading to the hospital on Wednesday for a nerve root injection that will hopefully address the pain and calm things down a bit in there, for awhile atleast.
It sounds scary, but it's really sort of like an epidural.
Only this time I won't get a cute little present to take home with me.
Our little family has had a basket full of medical challenges these past couple of years.
I for one will be looking forward to putting this latest "adventure" behind me soon.
And hope that is going to be all for a long time...even forever would be nice.
So, cross your fingers for me. Maybe even say a prayer.
I need to be able to be the busy bee that I am.


dana liston said...

sorry to hear about your back Mindy! I hope that this treatment will make things better for you and that you'll be able to continue to run circles around everyone! :)

Tenika Dennis said...

Yuck Mindy! I am so sorry! I hope that the injection helps and you can get rid of the pain and just enjoy life! Love you!

Rebecca said...

Mindy! You are so strong and so resilient. We will definitely be thinking of you and praying for you at our house. We love you so so much! You are AMAZING!

How Sweet it is! said...

I am so sorry to hear all this about your back. I hope this injection will help you. You are an amazing person with such an amazing attitude about it all. good luck.

JENNE said...

Oh Mindy, not fun, so sorry that you are having so much pain. I would of never guessed, because you are always smiling.
BTW: your little ones were so adorable on Sunday and I know Isaac did not feel good. Bless his little heart - I love 'em!

Michelle said...

matt had that same thing, i believe they put a cortisone shot in his back, and he's been pain free for over a year now. it's totally worth it :)