Friday, February 27, 2009

Did You Know????

We have had many dental issues in our household lately, thus causing a serious conversation between Isaac and Ethan at the table during lunch yesterday....
Isaac replies to Ethan who is asking about the tooth fairy, "Ethan, the tooth fairy comes down from heaven with a guardian angel. The tooth fairy leaves the money and the angel takes all the teeth back to heaven and give them to all the old people up there who don't have any."
I think my work might be having an impact on my children, what do you think?


Team Alvord said...

While this is another absolutely "hill"arious moment, the best part is that it totally makes sense. I mean what else is the toothfairy going to do with ALL those teeth. You have some very smart kids!!! Love it!!

Jill said...

very smart indeed!! you have got some seriously darling kiddos!