Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I am such a lucky girl!
It was a crazy morning (as all are) in our house.
I have been sick and haven't been sleeping well.
Abby and I seemed to take turns from room to room exchanging coughing fits.
(she was in my bed and I was on the couch)
By some stroke of miracle, I made it to the office still in one piece today to find this in my inbox:

Not trying to bring up the hurt of Brittan dying again, but I had told you back in the spring about reading that story by that sport’s guy I read who had lost his lab and I think it’s more fitting now than ever.

I thought you might like to read it too, and it pretty much sums up how I think we both feel about our time with Brittan too. Love You! Me

Go HERE to read the article for yourself.

It touched me.

I am thankful to be married to someone so sensitive to my thoughts and feelings.

Abby said her prayers last night and it went something like this:
"Dear Heavenly Father, we thank thee for this day. We hope that we will get Brittan again. In Jesus Christ Name, Amen."


Rach said...

Oh, Abby is so darling and sensitive! And the reason so many people care about you is because of YOU...you are amazing and your cheerfulness is contagious! (Let's just hope your cough is not!)