Monday, August 11, 2008

Still Recovering

Sorry for the lack of posts. I was on quite a roll. I think I somehow managed to post something every day in July. Still not sure how that happened exactly. The truth is, Justin and I are still recovering from all of the great visitors. We were so excited for the weekend. The kids had so much going on though and we had Courtyard's Summer Party. We were wiped! I had thoughts of skipping Sacrament Meeting yesterday and asked Justin if there would be any announcements that I needed to be present for. He said probably not, just as a member of the Bishopric called reminding me to be there because they were going to sustain me as a new member and as an official member of the Primary. I hurried to get out the door, and made it there just in time (thanks mostly to Justin's help getting the boys ready). I was grateful for going, Bishop Plothow and a member of the Stake Presidency reflected on what a wonderful day last Sunday was. Getting through Primary was a challenge this week. With so many squirmy Sunbeams (my son When I got home, the Missionaries called and wondered if they could stop by just to visit. Then the Ward Missionaries called to see when I wanted to start my new member lessons. Still recovering from such an awesome baptism day and doing my best to make it to church each week....I realized that this Church IS NOT FOR SISSIES! Onward I go.......


Brooke said...

Oh Mindy! You are the best! I am so excited for you and I feel like you have always been a member b/c of the love and joy you radiate! Our family sure does love you! You are a great example to me. I just wanted you to know this.

Bri said...

What an exciting time this is in your life right now! Can life get any better?! You've always been a huge example to me of dedication and hard work. You never back down and you always put forth all of your efforts. I know you'll keep doing great things!!