When it was time to go home, my awesome nurse
Kareleigh brought my to our car in this wagon. There wasn't much room for me though, I had too many new toys from everyone to take home!

My final X-Ray which I thought was way cool. This was taken to make sure the pic line had gone where it was suppose to.

I don't remember this at all, but asked my mom and dad to take pictures so I could see what they did to me.

Here I am
heavily medicated but
conscious as they put a pic line in my arm all the way to my heart.

My mom took this of me the third night I was there. She couldn't sleep, she kept looking at me and thinking about the night I was born...I had the same peaceful look then. My mom thinks I am just as sweet now as I was then. I know my parents are so glad I feel better.

I had lots of great visitors and got lots of cool treats from everyone!

Just before surgery, I took pics of all the
dr.s and nurses on my dad's phone and MORPHED them all...they thought it was
soooo funny! It kept my mind off being scared

Just before surgery, I am a little teary eyed

The coolest thing is, I had
Unlimited Game Time!
My 2
nd of 3 CT scans...I wondered why they are called CAT scans and where the cat was????

On the last night I could have anything to eat for awhile, my mom brought my favorite....
That's right, this time it wasn't George the Monkey that took a little trip to the hospital. Here are some of the courageous pictures that capture our amazing son on his scary journey.
I'm glad little Isaac is doing better. He looks like one tough little trooper!
Isaac- you are one tuff turkey. I am glad you are happy again! All of that screaming gave us all a scare! jk What a sweet boy!
We are so happy that you are home Isaac!!
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