Wednesday, March 4, 2009


After a series of very unfortunate events, our sweet Isaac is in the hospital. He has a very rare infection called mastoiditis caused by complications of the ear infection and strep. We are especially grateful it was caught when it was. He was just a few hours away from possibly going septic or getting meningitis. This condition is extremely dangerous because the mastoid bone is next to the brain. His temperature continues to be high which is a constant concern. He is comfortable now and on continual IV therapy for the next day or two at least. He will have a CT Scan tomorrow morning to check the condition of the infection and a decision about immediate surgery will be made by Dr. Riddle (the ENT specialist) at that time. It may require that he have tubes and possible a bone scrape to get the infection out if he is not responding to the IV. We are eternally grateful to the intuitions we felt to get this looked at, the wonderful medical staff caring for him and all of our friends and family. We love all of you so very much and greatly appreciate your continual prayers and well wishes. We'll keep you posted on his progress.


dana liston said...

Mindy we are sorry to hear about Isaac! I am glad that you followed your inspiration to get him checked again! We will keep him in our prayers. Good luck with everything.

Anonymous said...

Mindy, please let me know if we can do anything at all for you. luv ya tons.

Jason and Amy said...

Hey guys, just letting you know we will be praying for you and sweet Isaac. He is so blessed with great and loving parents. I'd just love to sit and listen to what he has to say of all of this. He is so grown up and says the funniest things about life. I need to have more of him in me. Love to you all!

Jill said...

Poor guy! Hang in there mindy...we will keep your little family in our prayers!

joleen said...

Poor Boy! I am glad he's getting what he needs now!

Jaime said...

I'm so sorry! We will keep your whole family in our prayers! If there's anything you guys need, please let me know!

Team Alvord said...

Our team is praying for your family!

mama bear said...

Oh my goodness, that is so scary! I'll keep little Isaac in my prayers as well, I hope this is resolved soon.

Amy said...

Poor little guy. Is there anything we can do for you guys? Dinner? Taking the kids out for a treat so you and Justin can rest? Anything! I am serious.... so please take me up on the offer!

Love you guys!