Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bye, Bye Binky Girl....

Maggie Simpson does not live here (anymore, we hope)....Last night was a night of nights. There was one remaining Binky in the Hill household and it went missing. I was not a happy camper up at 12:30 and again at 2:00 searching in every couch cushion, nook and cranny for that stupid thing. Anyone that knows me really well knows that once asleep I should NEVER be awakened under any circumstances! Thanks to Mr. Hill who shared in my late night grief and who calmed our little drama queen. We are now 24 hours post no Binky and so far so good. We'll have to see what tonight brings. I just hope Super Nanny doesn't arrive in the morning and shrug her shoulders at us. Once this is off the list, I'm checking off getting rid of the diapers and getting her to sleep in her own bed ALL NIGHT LONG! It's going to be a busy Summer!


Jaime said...

We're working on our list too. Potty training-check, next up sleep training. It will probably be worse than potty training! :(

Jason and Amy said...

Hang in there girl... you can do it. I'm so the same way about needed my sleep. That's why I became the "sleep natzi" from day one... Love you guys.