Monday, April 20, 2009

Surprise, Surprise! can imagine my amazement (more like horror) when I went to get the bunny out of her cage Sunday morning and discovered she had given birth to baby bunnies sometime the night before. No joke, we bought a pregnant bunny and had absolutely no idea she was with child (children :). Four of them didn't make it so we are down to one baby bunny. This is so gross, thank goodness Justin grew up on a farm and could handle it. The boys are sad the others didn't make it but hopeful this little runt will pull through. Poor mommy bunny, she's only 8 months old and had no idea what to do with all of this. I just kept thinking that we must be feeding her really well in all her pudginess....Silly Me!


dana liston said...

Oh my gosh Mindy. That is crazy!!! Good luck with the baby.

How Sweet it is! said...
